Setting the stage…

I auditioned today for a play called “Da” with my local am dram group. No idea if I’ll get something, but was fun to do it. I have to really will myself into doing this stuff – to get up on the audition day, leave the house and go do it, and then when I’m there I find myself thinking “oh this is the most natural thing in the world”.

The play is set in the 60s in Dublin about a writer returning home after the death of his Da, and while doing so he reconciles with his da – and relives moments from his childhood – the director called it a memory play – playing out his past memories on stage and talking to those ghosts, himself as a child, his da and other people.

Was worried I wouldn’t be able to hit the Dublin accent, I’d bought a copy of the play and had read through it a bit, and it was hard to maintain, but performing in front of people was easier (though at one point it went full on Cornish, but that’s ok, a temporary blip!)

As the world turns to embrace trump online, I’m finding I want to take solace in the world offline- next week I start Improv comedy for beginners. Another thing as long as I don’t think about I’m ok, but as it comes round I’ll find myself thinking “no, you’re gonna make a fool of yourself” – but I suspect, like acting once on stage once I’m doing it, I’ll really enjoy it. Told my mate Jim, the secret to getting work out of me is that I need instant feedback and flattery – I’ve got a dog like need for attention and treats.

So regardless of the play (which if I don’t get a part in I’ve volunteered to help back stage) over the nex six weeks I’ll be doing improve classes every Tuesday, leading to a performance. After that, I dunno. If I enjoy it? Who knows.